Automecha closes


As of the close of business on 10/31/19 Automecha Manufacturing’s doors are shut.  However, the closing of the factory does not mean that support for ACCUFAST and related products will cease.  Parts and service will be available through ASMARC as will be the CKx product family of imaging systems.  All other equipment manufactured at the Automecha site is discontinued.


To place parts orders, e-mail


To place equipment orders, e-mail


To place supplies orders, e-mail


The Automecha phone lines will continue to be monitored for at least a month, but to reach the parts department call 1-607-895-5000.

Correspondence should be sent to:  ASMARC, 1907 County Rd. 35, Mt. Upton, NY   13809


Some of the key components of the ACCUFAST equipment have been made obsolete by their manufacturer and are no longer obtainable.  We have contracted with an electronics firm to continue to supply us with re-build services.  We have also retained limited manufacturing capabilities so that rollers and other consumable items will continue to be supplied through internal means.




This is an example of a CKx system that’s been printing on continuous forms for close to a decade.